Name: Eryngium yuccifolium aka rattlesnake master Type of Plant: A tall perennial that’s a native to the Midwest and mid-Atlantic states. Hardy in zone 4 – 9 and grows 3 to 6 feet tall. Why I Love this Plant: This...
C. L. Fornari's Blog
I Love Nectaroscordum siculum aka Sicilian honey garlic
Name: Nectaroscordum siculum aka Sicilian honey garlic Type of Plant: Aka Mediterranean bells aka Allium siculum. A bulb with tall flowers in...
I Love Scaevola aemula aka Blue Fan Flower
Name: Scaevola aemula aka blue fan flower Type of Plant: A plant that comes from South Australia, perennial in warm climates and many varieties...
In Appreciation of Chipmunks
If you have watched chipmunks in your yard, you've undoubtedly seen why the Disney writers and animators were inspired to create Chip and Dale....
I Love Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’
Name: Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’ Type of Plant: A low-growing, hardy perennial that makes attractive “socks and shoes” around shrubs or taller...
I Love Viburnum rhytidophyllum and Viburnum x pragense aka the Leatherleaf Viburnum and Prague Viburnum
Name: Viburnum rhytidophyllum and Viburnum x pragense aka the Leatherleaf Viburnum and Prague Viburnum Type of Plant: these are May-flowering,...
I Love Cyperus prolifer aka Queen Tut Papyrus
Name: Cyperus prolifer aka Queen Tut Papyrus Type of Plant: A native plant in Madagascar, this short growing papyrus is a good annual plant in...
I Love Pericallis hybrids Senetti® Cineraria Spring Annuals
Name: Pericallis hybrids Senetti® Cineraria Spring Annuals Type of Plant: These cool weather annuals come in shades of blue, purple and pink...
I Love Hibiscus rosa-sinensis aka Tropical Hibiscus
Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis aka tropical Hibiscus Type of Plant: A shrub in warm climates, and a flowering patio plant in northern areas. Why I...
Having Fun With A New Container Recipe
Getting bored by the "Thriller/Filler/Spiller" formula? Garden makers just want to laugh and have fun. My graphic, created from my photos on a damp,...
I Love Amalanchier canadensis aka Serviceberry, Shadbush, and Shadblow
Name: Amalanchier canadensis aka Serviceberry, Shadbush, and Shadblow Type of Plant: A large, multi-stemmed shrub or small tree, with an open and...
I Love Forsythia
Name: Forsythia species, hybrids and varieties Type of Plant: A flowering shrub in the olive family, Oleaceae. One of the first shrubs to bloom in...
Make A Rustic, Spring Log Planter
If you find a hollow log, or half a hollow log, make a seasonal celebration planter. Use small plants you already have in your gardens: moss,...
I Love Lonicera sempervirens ‘Major Wheeler’ aka Major Wheeler Honeysuckle
Name: Lonicera sempervirens ‘Major Wheeler’ aka Major Wheeler honeysuckle Type of Plant: A variety of our native vine, Lonicera sempervirens, that...
I Love Heath and Heather
Name: Heath (Erica cinerea) and Heather (Calluna vulgaris) Type of Plant: These two plants are commonly called “heather” but they are two...
Move over hugelkulture and hay bale gardening…there’s a far better, centuries-old way to create productive gardens with the practice of burying of...
What A Wonderful Weed
I see rosettes of green In lawns and gardens too They are healthy food For me and you And I think to myself What a wonderful weed. Apologies to...
I Love Mountain Magic Tomatoes
Name: Mountain Magic Hybrid Tomato Type of Plant: This F1 hybrid tomato is larger than a cherry but smaller than the typical sandwich slicer…but...
I Love Viola x wittrockiana aka Spring Pansies
Name: Viola x wittrockiana aka Spring Pansies Type of Plant: The most popular cool-weather annual. Why I Love This Plant: For those in the...