Name: Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Goshiki’ aka variegated false holly Type of Plant: A variegated shrub that looks like holly. Hard iin Zones 6-9 y...
I Love Chamaecyparis Obtusa ‘Nana Gracilis’ aka Dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress
Name: Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana Gracilis’ aka dwarf Hinoki falsecypress Type of Plant: A slow growing evergreen, hardy in Zone 4 to 8, with...
Red Carpet Roundup: The 2021 Fall Ball
Reporting from Cape Cod, Massachusetts, here is your insider look at some of the plants that walked the red carpet at the 2021 Fall Ball. Climbing...
I Love Plectranthus barbatus White Rhino
Name: Plectranthus barbatus White Rhino Type of Plant: An annual valued for foliage color in sun or shade. This plant grows between 3 and 4 feet...
I Love Betula nigra ‘Cully’ ~ Heritage river birch
Name: Betula nigra ‘Cully’ aka Heritage river birch Type of Plant: A vigorous, fast growing tall tree with beautiful bark. Hardy in Zones 4-9. Why...
My Panicle Hydrangeas on Sept 4th
Panicle Hydrangeas In Early September. On September 4th I took a tour of Poison Ivy Acres, photographing every panicle hydrangea that was in flower...
I Love Hydrangea paniculata – Panicle Hydrangeas!
Name: Hydrangea paniculata –panicle hydrangeas! Type of Plant: These are the white to pink flowering hydrangeas that are in or approaching full...
The Summer Weeds are Back!
At the end of June, gardeners might assume that once the vegetables and annuals are planted, they can sit back and relax. After all, you pulled...
Why Doesn’t My Blue Hydrangea Bloom ~ A GardenLady Graphic
I've written many a blog and social media post about why blue hydrangeas don't flower. You can read one of them here. But I've always had it in mind...
Containers: Transitioning From Spring To Summer
On March 26th I planted two urns with spring flowers and perennials. I used pansies, dianthus, English daisies and a Heuchera in each urn. It was an...
I Love Allium Schoenoprasum aka Garden Chives
Name: Allium schoenoprasum aka garden chives Type of Plant: A perennial herb that grows from small bulbs, hardy in Zones 4-8. Why I Love/Hate this...
Timetable for Starting Seeds on the Cape and Islands
Indoors under lights or in a very sunny window: February-March: Peppers. March-April: Tomatoes, eggplant, kale, broccoli, cannabis. (The earlier you...
My Personal Sign That It’s Spring
Recently, on a local gardening group Facebook page, I posted a photo of a skunk cabbage flower poking up out of the soil. I said that this was how I...
How To Grow Blue Hydrangeas
I was doing a Zoom presentation for a group last week, and one of the questions from an attendee was about his blue hydrangea. "It never flowers,"...
How To Grow Vegetables In Containers
If you don't have space or adequate sunlight to grow your vegetables in the ground, containers are the next best option. You can grow edibles in...
Fagus sylvatica ‘Riversii’ aka purple leaf beech, River’s purple European Beech, copper beech
Name: Fagus sylvatica 'Riversii' aka purple leaf beech, River's purple European beech, or copper beech Type of Plant: A very large, deciduous tree...
I Love Baccharis halimifolia, aka groundsel or eastern baccharis
Sometimes it's great to appreciate a plant that doesn't live everywhere, doesn't flower all summer, and can't be kept "under control." Name:...
I Love Pennisetum purpureum ‘Tift 8’ aka Vertigo Fountain Grass
Name: Pennisetum purpureum ‘Tift 8’ aka Vertigo fountain grass Type of Plant: An annual grass in colder climates (hardy in Zone 8-11) that’s tall...