Imagine: On Thanksgiving day I just might have started a new tradition. In between putting the turkey in the oven and prepping the potatoes and leeks I sat down at the computer and put in a couple of seed orders. Not my entire order, which will come from several seed companies, but two good size lists from Johnny’s and Burpee. As the smells of the roasting bird and baking stuffing filled the air it felt good to be choosing both the new and tried-and-true from these sources. And one of my must-grow summer squash varieties, Costata Romanesco, was on this list. Mission accomplished, and I am thankful.
Name: Costata Romanesco summer squash (Sometimes written Costata Romanesca)
Type of Plant: A large-growing variety of summer squash that has ribbed zucchini.
Why I love this plant: Yes, this plant produces half of the squash that other zucchinis do. But they are formed consistently through the summer and the taste is better than many varieties. Plus, the plant keeps producing even when the leaves have powdery mildew. I also love the way the ready-to-harvest zucchinis often have the flower still intact and attached.
A Word to the Wise: If you have a smaller raised bed grow Costata Romanesco off one end so that it trails out over the path or lawn…otherwise it will fill your entire veggie garden. These are very large plants!
This type of zucchini produces as many male as female flowers, and sometimes more. So you’ll want to grow three or four plants and you’ll always have plenty of flowers for stuffing.

Watch out! this newly forming zucchini will be ready to eat in two or three days in the summer. It will be the size of a caveman’s club in a week, so pick it early.

The ribs make attractive, slightly star-shaped slices when you’re preparing younger zucchinis. And see how the flowers are still lovely on the ends?

I grow three or four types of summer squash every year, but the Zephyr (yellow and green) and Costata Romanesco (aka Romanesca) are my favorites.
Your post helped my decision about the two summer squash I will grow this year — Zephyr and Romanesca. Lovely texture and color.
I don’t think you’ll be disappointed, Barbara!