Listen to C.L. Live on Saturday Afternoons on WCAI – Starting January 4th 2025
You can listen to C.L. live on Saturdays at 1 PM Eastern time on WCAI.
The Garden Lady is also podcast…click here.
C.L. is coming to WCAI starting in January 2025. Listen to The Garden Lady live at 1 PM on Saturdays, or hear the recorded podcast. Links and details coming soon.
Every week I will be introducing the program with Postcards From Plants. This will be pithy information from Mother Nature, The Green Man, or the the plants themselves, helping you to grow plants more easily, joyfully, and in harmony with the natural world. Other regular segments will include insider information about what’s in bloom and new books or other sources of plant information. And if you have garden or plant disagreements with your spouse, parent, sibling or friend, email me and I’ll address these on the Partners With Plants segment of the program. clfornari at gmail dot com

You can listen to C.L. when you want and where you want by downloading Plantrama, a podcast about plants. C.L. and fellow garden communicator Ellen Zachos produced six years of programing, which is available wherever you get your podcasts. You can also see and download all episodes at
The Plantrama podcast was awarded the Gold Metal of Achievement by GardenComm International in 2019.