Presentations To Businesses ~ Zoom, Virtual or In Person ~ Lunch and Learn Talks
Live or Virtual Presentations for Business Gatherings: Lunch-and-Learn, Team Building, Talks for Self-Care Sessions, Evening Chill, Health and Wellness, Celebrations, & Sermons
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Review of Plant Pivot talk given via Zoom to a group of Streem employees on 6/23/2021: “Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! That was SO WONDERFUL!! The team loved it, and those that weren’t able to make it are super bummed and jealous. We will definitely have to have you back.”
In addition to the talks listed here I do other presentations for women’s groups, alumni associations, neighborhood organizations and businesses. I also enjoy speaking to “lunch and learn” groups, virtual team-building sessions, and company annual meetings. My talks are uplifting, informative and thoughtful. I can also facilitate virtual presentations where all attending have the same plants or other materials at hand so that they have a group experience with everyone feeling, smelling or tasting the same plants or products. Please contact me for details.
To sample what a Zoom presentation looks like, go here.
Indoor Plant Happiness for Home and Office
This talk is a celebration of indoor greenery. Attendees will discover how to make sure their houseplants thrive, and learn the most common reasons for failure. See behind-the-scenes information about how these plants are raised, and discover the hottest new varieties. Learn how to display houseplants to their best advantage, and hear about solving problems such as insect infestations and plants that have grown too large. Find plants that add color to your office or home all year, and ask questions about the plants you are growing or have “had die on your watch.” (Note: having a plant die isn’t always a bad thing. Remember that Winston S. Churchill once said “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”)

Postcards From Plants
What if you could receive regular postcards from plants that would guide you on your garden and houseplant journeys? Postcards have colorful photos or illustrations that make you wish that you too could visit that destination, and greetings that tell you a bit about the fun to be had there. In this humorous talk, C.L. presents tips, suggestions, and insider information that helps you to become a better garden maker or plant person. Illustrated with graphics created by C.L. from photographs she’s taken, this talk will give advice from Mother Nature and The Green Man’s point of view so that attendees will discover how to use the natural world as their garden coach. Audiences will also get a sneak peak at C.L.’s next book, Postcards From Plants: Advice for Garden Makers and Houseplant People.
A Stroll Through C.L. Fornari’s Gardens
Join me for a virtual cocktail hour (or coffee break, tea party) in my gardens. I’ll present a garden-based beverage while the group shares what they’re sipping in the chat session. Then we’ll stroll around Poison Ivy Acres together. You’ll get ideas for containers on porches and decks, see colorful combinations of annuals and perennials, and discover creative ways to have fun with plants in your own landscape. I’ll share some tips for growing vegetables and how to easily preserve or cook with the harvest. You’ll see my cutting garden, Annual Alley, the fragrance/bird garden and several flower beds. The handout contains names of plants that more people should know and grow, tips for easier maintenance and more. A relaxing but idea-generating program for all types of groups.

There’s Treasure Everywhere!
This virtual tour of beautiful gardens presents ideas, information and inspirations gathered from private and public gardens coast-to-coast and beyond. I’ve had the pleasure of visiting gardens throughout the USA, Canada and Europe, privately and with the GardenComm organization, and have put together a visual feast that will get your creative juices flowing for your own property. You’ll see many styles of gardens, get design ideas, learn about new plants and combinations and see how others have solved problems. The handout contains tips for design, plant names and a list of the public gardens shown so that you can plan future garden-tourism trips.
The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival: Growing Something Good
The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival is a ten day period when Cape gardens are open to the public for the benefit of local non-profits. Although it is organized under the umbrella of our signature flower, the blue hydrangea, it is our seaside gardens and landscapes that are being celebrated. This talk is about how everyone in the community benefits from garden tourism. From businesses and residents, to the non-profits and horticulture itself, such regional celebrations feed us all.

Behind The Scenes
Every plant has a backstory…
When you go into your local greenhouse or garden center, you see hundreds of plants, and all of them have a backstory. Learn what goes into the plants you buy. Discover how new plants are tested and brought to market. See how your landscape plants are propagated and grown, and the amazing ways that technology is used to provide great selections for your garden. This talk features professionals in horticulture from across the United States, and shows growers large and small. From houseplants to hydrangeas, learn what it takes to provide the plants that bring you joy.
Location, Location, Location
What Every Realtor Needs to Know About Gardens
As a real estate professional you’re frequently called upon to give a client advice about all aspects of a property, from the plumbing to the pool, or the gables to the gardens. This presentation provides realtors with a list of must-know garden basics presented in a fun, easy to absorb manner. Learn how to better advise your clients <em>and</em> tricks for staging and improving less-than-perfect yards.

I have filled the pulpit for several congregations and provided non-denominational services for conferences. Topics include: Joy; The High Summer Garden; A Complaint Free World; A Simple Good Deed; The Eight Rules for Successful Growth; and The Low-Maintenance Garden, The Easy Life and The Quiet Mind, and others. Please contact me for details.
The Cocktail Hour Garden ~ Creating A Space To Unwind
Everyone needs a place where they can relax and reconnect with the natural world. This talk discusses the elements that go into making such spaces appeal to the senses. Whether you’re designing a place for morning coffee, afternoon tea or cocktails, these are areas where we put aside digital devices and recharge, by ourselves or with others. Learn about how to make such “self-care spaces,” be it in a condo patio, an apartment balcony, or a large backyard. Although this talk starts each section off with a toast, it’s not about what’s in your glass…it’s about creating beauty and appreciating nature.

Business Buzz In The Garden
You’re very familiar with how current buzzwords apply to your business. Whether you’re talking about startups or pivoting, disrupters or a quick win, you understand the jargon and what people are talking about. These terms are also applicable in the landscape, garden and even on the window sill. Hear about how plants and gardens help you and your business to have better work-life balance that leads to good self-care. Learn how familiar buzzwords from the office can also apply to keeping you more productive…not to mention well fed. Discover how the hyper-local aspect of gardens is beneficial to your well-being. Hear how the buzz outdoors isn’t just coming from the bees. This talk is entertaining, informative and especially appropriate for lunch-and-learn or virtual, evening gatherings.
Read speaking endorsements of C.L.
Contact information:
For details about these or other talks and workshops,
please contact me by email at: clfornari at gmail dot com
Mail: C.L. Fornari P.O. Box 355 Osterville, MA 02655