Name: The American Cranberry – Vaccinium macrocarpon
Type of Plant: Not a plant that many people grow in their yards and gardens, but one that most are familiar with, especially at this time of year. This is a low-growing, trailing vine that many think of as a shrub. It grows best in damp, acidic but well-drained soil in full sun. It is native to Northern America
Why I Love/Hate this plant: This is an especially interesting plant in that although it’s very popular its growing conditions and culture are unique and specific. In other words, not everyone can grow cranberries, yet it’s a fruit that many are familiar with.
A Word to the Wise: If you want to try growing cranberries, check out these two websites.

For those who live on Cape Cod the cranberry bog is a familiar sight.

Cranberry plants grow densely when in a moist, but well drained location.

In October it’s common to see the cranberries floating on the top of the flooded bogs, and brought into harvesting concentrations.
I love it when you feature native plants!