This postcard from The Green Man is celebrating my guest on The Garden Lady on February 29th. It is my great pleasure to be speaking with Ellen...
Planting New Gardens ~ Including On The Radio
If you have ever had the opportunity to move to a new property and plant new gardens, I think you'll know how I'm feeling right now. In my lifetime...
I Love Hoya aka Wax Plant or Wax Flower
Name: Hoya species and varieties, aka wax plant or wax flower. Type of Plant: There are over 520 species of Hoya, which are semi-succulent plants....
I Love : Blue Star Fern, aka Phlebodium aureum aka Living Lace™ Davana
Name: Blue Star Fern, aka Phlebodium aureum aka Living Lace™ Davana Type of Plant: A houseplant for most but one that has its roots in the...
I Love Helleborus niger ‘Jacob’ et al, aka The Christmas Rose
Name: Helleborus niger ‘Jacob’ et al, aka the white Christmas rose Type of Plant: White flowering hellebores in the species niger, are commonly...
I Love Princettia® Poinsettias From Suntory Flowers.
Name: Princettia® poinsettias from Suntory Flowers. Princettia® is a new style of poinsettia with vibrant bract colors including the whitest...
I Love Ilex Vertilcillata ‘Winter Gold’ aka Golden Winterberry
Name: Ilex vertilcillata ‘Winter Gold’ aka golden winterberry Type of Plant: A large, deciduous shrub, hardy in Zones 3-9, that has peach to...
I Love Chionanthus virginicus – aka Fringe Tree
Name: Chionanthus virginicus aka fringe tree or old man’s beard. Type of Plant: A large shrub or small tree, native to the Eastern US, growing 15...
I Love Baby Pak Choi aka Brassica rapa var. chinensis
Name: Baby Pak Choi aka Brassica rapa var. chinensis Type of Plant: A vegetable that grows well in cool weather. This small pak choi usually grows...
I Love Helenium autumnale aka common sneezeweed or Helen’s flower.
Name: Helenium autumnale aka common sneezeweed or Helen’s flower. Type of Plant: This summer to fall flowering perennial is native to much of...
I Love Ceratostigma plumbagionoides aka blue leadwort or plumbago.
Name: Ceratostigma plumbagionoides aka blue leadwort or hardy plumbago. Type of Plant: a low-growing, perennial ground cover hardy in zones 6-9....
I Love Malibu Green Beans
Name: Malibu Green Beans Type of Plant: Pole beans that are especially prolific. Why I Love this Plant: You can pick these beans when they are...
I Love Heptacodium miconioides aka Seven-Son Flower
Name: Heptacodium miconioides aka seven-son flower Type of Plant: A large shrub or small tree, often multi-stemmed. Why I Love this Plant: There...
I Love Supertunia® Saffron Finch™
Name: Supertunia® Saffron Finch™ from Proven Winners Type of Plant: A new to the market hybrid petunia. Why I Love this Plant: Since most...
I Love Lablab purpureus aka Purple Hyacinth Vine
Name: Lablab purpureus aka purple hyacinth vine Type of Plant: An ornamental and edible annual vine, native to India and sub-Saharan Africa. It...
I Love Eryngium yuccifolium aka Rattlesnake Master
Name: Eryngium yuccifolium aka rattlesnake master Type of Plant: A tall perennial that’s a native to the Midwest and mid-Atlantic states. Hardy...
I Love Basil Bonsai aka Mini Ocimum basilicum
Name: Basil Bonsai aka Ocimum basilicum one of the Kitchen Minis™ plants from PanAmerican Seed/Ball Horticulture Type of Plant: This is a...
I Love Blackberry Lily, aka Iris domestica
Name: Blackberry Lily, aka Iris domestica Type of Plant: We call it a lily but it’s actually an Iris, native of Asia. Why I Love this Plant: I...