Name: Vitex agnus-castus aka chastetree Type of Plant: A large shrub that flowers in mid to late summer. Hardy in Zone 6-8 Why I Love/Hate this...
I Love Acer palmatum ‘Sango-kaku’ aka Coral Bark Maple
Name: Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku' aka Coral Bark Maple Type of Plant: Small tree for part-shade, reaching 15 to 20 feet tall and wide. Hardy in...
I Love Perovskia atriplicifolia aka Russian sage
Name: Perovskia atriplicifolia aka Russian sage Type of Plant: Perennial plant for full sun and well drained soils. It has woody stems so doesn’t...
I Love Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Fastigiata’ aka upright Japanese Plum Yew
Name: Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Fastigiata' upright Japanese Plum Yew Type of Plant: Slow growing, upright evergreen that grows well in sun or...
I Love Vernonia lettermanii ‘Iron Butterfly’ – aka ironweed
Name: Vernonia lettermanii ‘Iron Butterfly’ aka ironweed Type of Plant: A drought tolerant perennial for Zones 4-9, with grass-like foliage all...
I Love Cuphea hybrid ‘Cupver’, aka Cuphea Vermillionaire
Name: Cuphea hybrid 'Cupver' aka cigar plant, Cuphea Vermillionaire, firecracker plant Type of Plant: This Cuphea is an annual in northern...
I Love Variegated New Guinea Impatiens
Name: Variegated forms of Impatiens hawkeri aka New Guinea Impatiens Type of Plant: Low-maintenance annual that grows to about 12 inches tall. Why I...
I Love Pugster Dwarf Butterfly Bush
Name: Buddleja davidii 'SMNBDBT' aka Pugster dwarf butterfly bush. Type of Plant: A dwarf butterfly bush that blooms prolifically through the...
Pycnanthemum muticum aka clustered mountain mint
Name: Pycnanthemum muticum aka clustered mountain mint Type of Plant: Spreading perennial that is hardy in zones 4 to 8 and appreciates moist or...
I Love Rutgers Devotion and Rutgers Obsession Basil
Name: Rutgers Obsession DMR and Rutgers Devotion DMR Basil Type of Plant: Basil plants that have been bred (no, not GMO!) to grow prolifically and...
I Love Cosmos sulphureus ‘Bright Lights’
Name: Cosmos sulphureus 'Bright Lights' aka sulphur cosmos. Type of Plant: Summer-flowering annual for full sun. Why I Love/Hate this plant...
I Love Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Ragra’ aka Cityline® Rio
Name: Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ragra' aka Cityline® Rio Type of Plant: This mophead hydrangea is a shorter-growing plant that stays under 3 feet...
I Love Soiree Kawaii™ Catharanthus
Name: Soiree Kawaii Catharanthus Type of Plant: Catharanthus is more commonly known as flowering vinca, although this is confusing since there...
I Love The Oso Easy Petit Pink Rose
Name: Rosa 'ZLEMarianne Yoshida' aka Oso Easy Petit Pink landscape rose. Type of Plant: A shrub rose that stays under 4 feet and is repeat...
I Love Tanacetum parthenium aka feverfew
Name: Tanacetum parthenium aka feverfew Type of Plant: A traditional cottage garden perennial (although it can be short-lived) that flowers in...
Nepeta cataria aka catnip
Name: Nepeta cataria aka catnip Type of Plant: A generally short-lived perennial that can self-seed and naturalize in full sun gardens. Why I...
I Love Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea
Name: Digitalis purpurea aka foxglove Type of Plant: A biennial, which means that the plant grows from a seed one year, blooms the next (and...
I Love Diervilla
Name: Diervilla lonicera and Diervilla splendens cultivars with dark foliage. Type of Plant: Native shrub that’s hardy to zone 3, grows well in...