Today, I’m loving a plant that you can’t buy. But if it appears in your garden, you can enjoy its fleeting beauty. Name: Monotropa uniflora aka...
How Do I Love These Lobelia cardinalis…let me count the ways
Name: Lobelia cardinalis aka cardinal flower Type of Plant: A perennial native to North America that grows between 2 and 4 feet tall. This plant is...
I Love Pantheon Squash
Name: Pantheon F1 Squash Type of Plant: A Costata Romanesco type squash with a more contained, upright plant, fewer prickly spines and earlier,...
I Love Limelight Four O’Clocks
Name: Mirabilis jalapa ‘Limelight’ aka Limelight four o’clocks Type of Plant: These are perennial in zones 8 to 11, but widely grown as annuals in...
I Love The Quick Fire Hydrangeas
Name: Hydrangea paniculata Quick Fire (aka Hydrangea paniculata 'Bulk' ) and Little Quick Fire (aka Hydrangea paniculata 'SMHPLQF') Type of Plant:...
I Love Pink Smooth Hydranageas
Name: Hydrangea arborescens Invincibelle Spirit II, Blush and other pink varieties of our native, smooth hydrangea. Type of Plant: A deciduous shrub...
I Love Clematis ‘Sweet Summer Love’
Name: Clematis ‘Sweet Summer Love’ Type of Plant: Small vine that grows well in full sun to part shade. Flowers are small, and a reddish purple in...
I Love ‘Sum and Substance’ Hosta
Name: Hosta ‘Sum and Substance’ Type of Plant: Perennial plant for shade or part-shade gardens. Hardy from Zone 3 to 8. Why I Love/Hate this plant:...
I Love Nepeta subsessilis ‘Grandview’ – Perennial For Cut Flowers & Bees
Name: Nepeta subsessilis ‘Grandview’ aka nepeta grandview Type of Plant: A tall perennial plant that’s easily grown from seed. Plant this Nepeta in...
I Love Geranium sanguineum
Name: Geranium sanguineum aka bloody cranesbill geranium Type of Plant: A low growing (1.5 feet tall and wide) perennial for full sun to part shade....
I Love BabyWing Begonias
Name: Begonia x hybrid BabyWing aka Babywing begonias Type of Plant: An annual begonia for part shade. Why I Love/Hate this plant: Frankly, the...
I Love Malus x ‘Snowdrift’
Name: Malus x ‘Snowdrift’ aka Snowdrift crabapple Type of Plant: Small tree for full or part sun, growing 20 feet tall and wide, so suitable for...
Tulips Are Terrific
Name: Tulip sp. aka tulips Type of Plant Spring flowering bulb, usually planted in the fall. Why I Love/Hate this plant: Tulips are the magic wands...
I Love Golden Bleeding Heart
Name: Dicentra spectabilis ‘Gold Heart’ Type of Plant Spring flowering form of bleeding heart with bright yellow foliage. A perennial that is most...
I Love Rhododendron ‘P.J.M.’
Name: Rhododendron ‘P.J.M.’ Type of Plant One of the hardiest Rhododendrons (Zones 4 to 8) and the earliest to bloom. This plant is also one of the...
I Love Easter and Passover Gift Plants
Name: Easter and Passover Plants Type of Plant Hydrangeas, Azaleas, Lilies, Campanula and other lovely plants in full flower. Why I Love/Hate this...
A Celebration of a Fleeting Wildflower
Name: Trientalis borealis aka starflower Type of Plant: A low, perennial wild flower that blooms in May and June with small, but very noticeable,...
I Love Crocus vernus ‘Remembrance’
Name: Crocus vernus ‘Remembrance’ Type of Plant: Early spring flowering bulb, good for planting in gardens or lawns. Why I Love/Hate this plant: I...