Imagine: Paul harvested his garlic and raked the area where it grew. It was mid-summer and he suddenly had a large, empth area in his vegetable...
A Smaller Vine That Blooms All Summer
Imagine: They wandered through the perennial vines at the garden center, looking at climbing hydrangeas, honeysuckle and wisteria. “These are grow...
Allium schubertii – Here Comes The Fun
Imagine: As they sat around the firepit at their friends’ new house, the conversation turned to the landscaping. “I want to have plants back here...
“Mom! We Have To Save The Monarchs!”
Imagine: Her kids came home from school all excited about a science program that had been presented in the auditorium. “Mom! We have to help save...
Eryngium ‘Big Blue’ – not boring, not pink
Imagine: Garden Designer’s Diary, June 23 The client said she wanted unusual plants in her garden. “I’d like pods, and grasses and quirky things I...
The Glorious Kousa Dogwood
Name: Cornus kousa aka the kousa dogwood Type of Plant: A small tree that’s native to Asia but grows so well in Zones 5 to 8. There are a few...
Tree Peonies
Imagine: The early morning sun streamed into Karla’s yard as she stood with her morning coffee, contemplating the space around the patio. She...
Saponaria Ocymoides, aka Creeping Pink Soapwort
Imagine: I pictured a sea of color below some grasses. I needed a plant that would do well despite the fact that half of the area it would be...
Growing Sunflowers
Imagine: When I first moved to Poison Ivy Acres the front entry to the house was a lawn. That’s all, just a lawn. I knew I wanted a flower garden...
Fragrance Under The Bedroom Window
Imagine: Carla loved to sleep with the window open. For her, the arrival of spring wasn’t announced by daffodils or tulips, but by her ability to...
Cyperus papyrus, aka King Tut Papyrus
Imagine: Cheryl was feeling especially stressed. She had projects due at work, the kids had upcoming dentist appointments and dance lessons, and...
Crowdfunding A Garden Festival
For the past six months I’ve tried to enlist the help of larger plant companies to help cultivate the Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival, but have had no...
Picking Treasure: I love Highbush Blueberries
Imagine: Frank planted over 45 blueberry bushes on the corner of his property almost 25 years ago. Originally he planned for these to be picked by...
David, Goliath, and the Negative Nosy Neighbor ~ A Weed Story ~
David was thrilled with his new house. After years of renting, this was the first home he’d ever owned. He loved the size (small), the location (on...
‘Raspberry Rose’ Hibiscus – A Stunning Plant
Imagine: “I need a plant that will be huge in July and August,” she said, looking out her kitchen window at the back patio. “But it can’t be there...
A Violet That Doesn’t Take Over
Imagine: Sandra’s beloved dog, Violet had died. Sandra cried every time she walked into the house and Violet wasn’t there to greet her. She cried...
Tiger Eye Sumac Love
Imagine: “I want more color in the gardens,” she said. “No problem,” he replied. The next day when she got home there was a flock of pink flamingos...
I Love American Holly
Imagine: Beth and John loved the stand of American holly trees in their backyard. On summer evenings the light grey trunks were visible as they sat...