Here are the plants that are catching my eye at Poison Ivy Acres the first week of June.

Flowers from A to Z! Anthriscus sylvestris ‘Ravenswing’ (white flowers on left) to Zizia aurea (yellow blooms on right). Two of my favorites. The Anthriscus self-seeds and has purple foliage. It’s a “gardener’s plant” in that you need to be willing to pull it out in late June, edit out the seedlings that grow where you don’t want or need them, and let a few of them go to seed. So not “low-maintenance” by any means, but very satisfying and spirit-lifting. The Zizia is a native, butterfly support perennial. In the front, a foxglove that repeats the purple of the Rhododendron flowers on the shrub in the back.

The oriental poppies are doing their loud, exuberant thing. They are brilliant from a distance and wonderful up close. I’ve always felt that these poppies call to us in June, saying “Let’s put on lipstick and go OUT!”

Weigela shrubs are in their glory in early June, and there are many wonderful varieties. This one is ‘Rubidor’ and it has lime colored foliage with bright pink flowers. It’s a large, sprawling “POW!” plant and I can’t understand why it’s not more widely available in garden centers. A must-have plant in a flowering shrub border or mixed-shrub privacy planting. Really…look at this photo and ask yourself: “How can I NOT have this plant when I can see this incredible display every June?”

And speaking of Weigelas you can’t live without… Weigela florida ‘Variegata’ is lovely and variegated. How can you possibly say no to this plant?

And of course, what would early June be without roses? This is my favorite smaller climbing rose, ‘Collette’ – not as huge as ‘New Dawn’ so great for smaller arbors and trellises. It’s also a reliable re-bloomer when deadheaded. AND, it’s fragrant! Disease resistant too.
In June a garden explodes. We who tend these landscapes are very busy, weeding, editing and planting. But it’s important that we take the time to appreciate the incredible beauty that’s all around us. If taking photos helps, that’s all to the good. Take the time to walk around the garden and absorb the miracles that are popping up daily.
This is a joyous time of year. To quote the song by Robert Wadsworth Lowry, “It finds and echo in my soul, how can I keep from singing.”
How can I keep from singing? Indeed. Your Colette on one side and the climbing ‘America’I believe on the other—makes me sigh with happiness. Absorb the miracles and thank you for the reminder!