Name: Elevate Orange Marigold Hybrid
Type of Plant: An annual marigold with huge, round flowers. Easy to grow from seed, and tall enough to make a statement in annual or perennial gardens.
Why I Love/Hate this plant: This plant grows 3 to 4 feet tall and has been totally sturdy and upright in my gardens. Since the flowers are so large and bright, they add good pops of color and fun to the garden. This is the perfect annual to put in with perennials so that from mid-summer into fall you have plenty of flowers even when the daylilies and other mid-summer bloomers are done.
I also love the fact that these flowers last so long when cut. They out-live the other cut flowers such as zinnias and dahlias in a bouquet. And they will even look good out of water for three or more days, so you can put them down the center of a picnic table or party arrangement and they’ll look good for hours.
A Word to the Wise: Since the flowers are so large, they will become heavy in a rainstorm. A few of my flowers bent over after a big rain, but I just cut these and brought them indoors to decorate our kitchen counter and windowsill.
I am thankful that Burpee sent me the seeds to grow these plants this past spring…the flowers that make me happy, so I will happily order seeds and grow these every year.

These pom-pom like flowers are as big as tennis balls! And they last a long time, either in a vase or simply placed on a table.

I planted groups of Elevate marigolds in my perennial garden and they are stunning from mid-summer into fall. Great, fun color and tall enough to fill spaces left when early-blooming perennials have faded.

String marigold flowers into garlands for a party! Elevate marigolds will add festive color to any celebration.
I buy a great many plants each spring. This year impulse ,as summer fast approached, and annual flats went on sale, I purchased plants I never bought before. I bought what I’ve been too much of a garden snob to use….marigolds. To my surprise they have been the best purchase of the year. They have brought a lot of color to the garden, required almost no maintenance other than deadheading, and are still going strong into the fall. I have definitely learned my lesson. Expensive doesn’t necessarily mean better. Thanks, Catherine, Cotuit
Total agreement here, Catherine. I love the new plants, the rare plants, and the trendy flowers, but there are times when the classics are fantastic. Marigolds are ready for a comeback for sure!
Do you remember when your elevate orange marigolds started blooming? It’s almost the end of July and mine are huge but no buds.
Since they are tall they are later to come into flower. No worries – they will start blooming soon if they are in full sun, and they are worth the wait!