It is fitting that I spent the morning repotting houseplants. It is my mother’s birthday today. Had she not died recently, she would have been 90 years old today. She comes to my mind on so many occasions, of course, but often when plants are involved. If researchers ever report discovering a “green thumbs gene” it won’t surprise me at all.

I have been repotting houseplants today as I bring things in for the winter. My kitchen and front room will soon resemble my mother’s room in assisted living.

My mother kept the door to her apartment open for most of the ten years she was in assisted living. People walking past frequently thought it was the facility’s greenhouse!

She took such pleasure in her plants and had many of them for over thirty years. She was the type who was reluctant to get rid of any plant that still showed signs of life.
Happy birthday, Mom. I miss you so much.
This is a wonderful article. Thank you!