If you go to Google Image and put in “champagne chairs” you’ll get many pictures of just how creative you can get with these. Mine are a bit rustic compared with some, but they are simply made and I love their quirkiness.

I found these in a cupboard today. There are caps here from many celebrations.
Here is how to make your own.

There are two ways you can make the back. This shows one method, which is to remove the bottom wire by clipping off the twisted part.

Use wire cutters and clip the attachment off completely.

Straighten the wire the best you can…leaving kinks in contributes to the casual quirkiness, is what I tell myself.

Push the wire “legs” in a bit by the cap so it doesn’t fall out, and then flare them out a little.

Find the middle of the wire – decide if you want to bend it into a round top, have a circle or other crimping, or make it into a heart shape.

Use needle-nose pliers to bend the ends around two of the legs. Squeeze tight so that they hold.

Push the back up and shape it as you wish.

Your chair is complete! This was made from a variety of prosecco with an amusing name.

The other way is to clip the wire opposite the twisted area.

I bent this one into a heart shape.

I like them in a grouping…
So clever!