Got garden carrots? Roast and freeze them!

When carrots are ready to harvest we can’t always eat them when they’re fresh. Wash them well, no need to peel, and slice them into pieces for roasting.

When I was slicing I discovered that my neighbor’s dog, Baxter, thinks that carrots are more delicious than steak! He was attentively begging the entire time I was working in the kitchen.

Slice the carrots into 1/4 inch rounds and place them on a parchment paper. Roast at 375 degrees until they start to brown.

The roasting brings out the sugars in the carrots so even those that aren’t very sweet become tasty. After they are starting to brown remove from the oven and place in a freezer bag.

Label and put them in the freezer. The wonderful thing about preserving carrots this way is you can remove a few or many from the bag to toss into pasta sauces, soup, or any other dish throughout the winter.