Name: Calibrachoa Superbells Holy Moly aka Holy Moly Superbells
Type of Plant: An annual that is low-maintenance and colorful. Yellow petals that are splashed with dark pink make this annual super cheerful. A good plant for mixed flowering containers or for massing in gardens in the right area. (See A Word to the Wise below) Look for this plant wherever Proven Winners are sold.
Why I love this: This is one of those flowering plants that lifts your mood when you see it. Since it’s pale yellow and pink this Calibrachoa also blends well with just about any other flower, making it one of the annuals that “plays well with others.”
A Word to the Wise: If you trim these plants early in the season with scissors (“Just a little off the top.”) they branch out and become really full and bushy. But don’t keep these constantly wet – Calibrachoas like good drainage. Repeat: GOOD DRAINAGE. That means, in containers, not blocking the holes in the bottom of the pot, using new potting soil every season, and planting them in ground where the soil is light and not watered too frequently.

Although my gardens were FILLED with flowers for the Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival in 2015, Holy Moly drew continual attention from those who came to my garden. That’s saying a lot, wouldn’t you agree?

It’s just a happy looking flower, right? Sorry that this photo is a tad out of focus. But if you try this plant for yourself this summer you’ll understand why I like it.
I grew lemon slice this year in zone 7 and it bloomed after several light frost.
I agree! This plant is both heat and cold tolerant. So glad it did well for you too.