Name: Flame Thrower® Redbud aka Cercis canadensis ‘NC2016-2’ PP #31,260
Type of Plant: A cross between two cultivars of Cercis canadensis, ‘The Rising Sun (non-weeping, gold-leaf) and NC2006-14 (weeping, purple leaf).
Why I Love this Plant: This plant has a bit of a weeping appearance, but it’s the range of colors on the foliage from spring into mid-summer that are amazing. The stems are black, and this combined with the heart-shaped leaves make this plant look like it’s wearing jewelry.
I love how this plant looks when illuminated by the setting or rising sun. And I love how the colorful foliage moves in a breeze.
Redbuds are amazingly tolerant of different levels of light and soil pH. This one is hardy to a Zone 5, and is said to grow 15 to 20 feet tall and around 10 feet wide.
A Word to the Wise: Plant this small tree where you will see it often, and if you have a place where it can get back-lit by the setting sun, that’s where it should go.

Thin, zig-zag stems showcase the heart-shaped leaves so beautifully.

We planted this tree in a part-shade area near the path down to Lawrence Pond. Right now I’m leaving all the lower branches on, but next year I’ll begin to prune these off to expose the trunk and to stimulate more growth on the top of the tree.

How can we not love plants with heart-shaped leaves?