Name: Forsythia species, hybrids and varieties
Type of Plant: A flowering shrub in the olive family, Oleaceae. One of the first shrubs to bloom in the spring, and one that’s very hardy as well.
Why I Love This Plant: I love the fact that this plant produces bright yellow flowers in April. In many areas it is the trumpet that loudly announces the arrival of the growing season. It’s an easy plant to grow as long as you choose the right cultivar or variety for your location, and don’t try to control its size.
Fun fact: The genus is named after William Forsyth (1737-1804) a Scottish botanist who was a royal head gardener and founding member of the Royal Horticultural Society.
A Word to the Wise: There are many named varieties that are smaller or more flower-packed so be sure to find one that suits your garden. If you’re growing larger types, don’t cut them from the top down! Let them grow into the fountain-shaped form that shows them off the best. The worst thing you can do to a Forsythia is to shear it.

Forsythia should be allowed to grow into its natural, fountain shape. This young one is just beginning to take that on. Don’t plant a Forsythia if you want round, meatball plants.

If you prune Forsythia in February or March, bring those cut stems into the house and put them in water. You’ll have a yellow celebration for two weeks indoors!

There are many new, named cultivars of Forsythia that stay lower and are more flower-filled. Check out these from Proven Winners!

I say that this plant is the trumpet that heralds the arrival of the growing season!