Name: Lilium orientalis, aka oriental lilies
Type of Plant: A summer-flowering bulb, usually hardy in Zones 4-9. There are many named cultivars available, in a variety of flower colors and sizes of plants.
Why I Love This Plant: These lilies are nothing short of spectacular in July or August. Many grow between 4 and 6 feet tall, and the sturdy stalks are filled with flowers. Most are also fragrant, so plant these near decks, patios, open windows or walkways, especially in places where you’re likely to inhale their perfume in the evening or first thing in the morning.
A Word to the Wise: These lilies get planted in October, but you’re wise to buy or order them now. If you plant a few every fall, you’ll have these showy plants in your garden every summer.
Lilies can be fairly heavy feeders, so apply an organic fertilizer around the base of the bulbs in April every year. Watch for the red lily-leaf beetle, and spray the plants with Spinosad if you see this insect or notice that the leaves of your lily are being chewed.

Some oriental lilies, such as this Altari variety, are tall. They are perfect for planting in between perennials that grow to 3 or 4 feet.

Altari is an oriental lily that is fragrant and grows to 4 or 5 feet tall. It flowers in late July.

This oriental lily, Muscadet, is shorter than some. It grows 3 to 4 feet tall.

I love lilies when they are combined with fine textured plants that contrast with their huge flowers. Here, the Nassella tenuissima, aka Mexican feather grass or Stipa grass, is the perfect contrast to these Muscadet variety of oriental lilies.