Name: Malibu Green Beans
Type of Plant: Pole beans that are especially prolific.
Why I Love this Plant: You can pick these beans when they are young, skinny and tender or let them grow larger. Their flavor remains good no matter what their size. I love how the plants continue to flower and produce beans along the entire vine from bottom to top, not just on the top. These plants are very productive.
A Word to the Wise: To keep green bean plants producing into the fall, keep picking the beans frequently. You can pick Malibu beans every other day.

The Malibu beans produce for three months. You can see in this photo how they start out thin, but flatten out as they grow more mature. All sizes are tender and tasty.

These plants continue to bloom from the bottom to the top of the plants.

I get my Malibu bean seeds from the Territorial Seed Company.