Name: Nepeta x faassenii ‘Balpurrlu’ aka Whispurr Blue catmint
Type of Plant: A perennial plant that’s hardy in zones 4a to 9a.
Why I Love/Hate this plant: This plant was sent to me this year by the people at Darwin Perennials. As usual when I have a test plant, I put it either in the ground or in a pot, and then I wait to see what it will do.
I’m used to catmints that fade and flop sometime around July 5th, but this one has surprised me! It grew a bit less than two feet this first year, but was totally upright and has continued to flower really well even into mid-August! The bees are all over this plant, and it’s been so good in a container that I’m looking forward to placing it in a prime spot in my perennial garden next year.
A Word to the Wise: If your catmint does flop or for some reason isn’t looking good, know that you can either cut these perennials to the ground in July, trim off any browned stems, or give them a haircut by shearing them in half.

I planted Whispurr Blue catmint in a pot, and I’ve been purring about it all summer.

While many catmints stop flowering in mid-summer, this one has kept going strong.