Name: Phlox paniculata ‘Jeana’ aka phlox Jeana
Type of Plant: A perennial that grows about four feet tall and has pink flowers from mid-August into September.
Why I Love/Hate this plant: This phlox has several aspects to love…first of all, it flowers later in the summer than other paniculata varieties of phlox and it’s in bloom for six to eight weeks. Secondly, it’s mildew free. Third, the plant attracts a host of pollinators and butterflies. And finally, it’s fairly shade tolerant! Although it’s listed as a full sun plant, I’ve found that it grows quite well in part shade. I have a stand of these phlox where they get about four hours of filtered sun and they still flower well.

I have this Phlox growing in two different locations. This group, which is in my cutting garden, is in full sun. The photo above is a clump that’s in part-shade. Both are mildew free, fragrant and great for cutting flowers.