Name: Solanum tuberosum ‘Carola’ aka Carola potatoes
Type of Plant: Yellow flesh potato with great yields and flavor.
Why I Love/Hate this plant: This is one of the first potatoes we ever planted and it has remained a favorite for over 25 years. The plants produce well, are moderately scab resistant, have great flavor and are decent keepers. Carola is a variety that’s originally from Germany and the potatoes are great for baking, steaming or otherwise using in your favorite spud recipe.
A Word to the Wise: Harvest these potatoes once the vines die back, which for us is usually in August. We grow these and all other potatoes in Smart Pots. They are available from several seed potato sources, but like many seeds right now you’re wise to order these early in the season.

Young Carola potatoes are wonderful in a garden potato salad. Steam, cool and add herbs and other garden veggies. (Here they are with red noodle beans.) Toss with dressing of your choice – I like an olive oil and lemon vinaigrette with a bit of mustard and capers. Herbs are fresh chives and parsley from the garden.

Here you can see the difference between three of the potato varieties we grew this year. Top left is a Russet, top right an Adirondack Red, to the left of the masher, a Carola. These were all boiled until just done, then smashed with the potato masher and topped with olive oil and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese before being heated in the oven. Delicious!

Carolas produce lots of potatoes.
I am thinking of trying to grow potatoes next year in smart pots. How many potatoes/bags do you recommend for a family of 3 who has never grown potatoes before? How often do they need to be watered?
Sandra – there is no way for me to advise you about this since I don’t know how many potatoes your family eats or if you have a big freezer where you can preserve home-grown french fries, twice baked potatoes and more. That said, I’d get 20 gallon Smart Pots and plant two layers of 4 seed potato pieces. Start with two or three of these and see how you like your harvest.