Name: Hydrangea paniculata Quick Fire (aka Hydrangea paniculata ‘Bulk’ ) and
Little Quick Fire (aka Hydrangea paniculata ‘SMHPLQF’)
Type of Plant: Deciduous shrubs, panicle hydrangeas, that flower earlier than many in this group and turn pink to wine red in late summer. Quick Fire grows large (up to 8 feet tall and wide!) so is the perfect shrub to use with others in a mixed flowering border and group for screening. Little Quick Fire is shorter (up to 6 feet tall and wide) so good for flower gardens and foundation plantings where a taller shrub is needed.
Why I Love/Hate this plant: Both of these panicle hydrangeas have large, lacy flowers that form on new growth. This means that no matter how cold the winter gets or when they are pruned these hydrangeas will still flower. They are also good for bringing white to dark pink colors to the garden all summer into the fall.
A Word to the Wise: Be sure to get the Quick Fire variety that fits where you’ll plant it. Tall or short, use the plant that’s right for your space. Although both can be pruned in the spring to shape and bring the size back a bit, work with their genetics.

The original Quick Fire grows tall, and it will do so quickly! If you want a flowering shrub for screening in full sun, this is a good one to include.

Shed, Little Quick Fire Hydrangea, Blue Jay dwarf white pine.

Little Quickfire is a great shrub to plant where it can be illuminated by the morning or evening sun.