Name: Ringo All-Star™ Rose aka Rosa x ‘ChewEyesUp’
Type of Plant: Smaller size shrub rose (2 to 3 feet tall and wide) with the most cheerful, single flowers you’ve ever seen.
Why I Love this Plant: There are multiple colors on these single flowers, ranging from coral to red and dashes of pink or lavender as the flowers age. I appreciate that like other shrub roses, this one is disease resistant and repeat flowering. And I love that the yellow anthers in the center of the flowers attract pollinators.
A Word to the Wise: As with other roses, you’ll want to plant this one in full sun. Spread compost over the surface of the soil in a 3 to 4 foot diameter before planting, and fertilize with Rose-tone or similar fertilizer. Mulch on top after the shrub is in the ground, and water deeply.
This would also be a great rose to put in a large pot, with, perhaps, 3 Snow Princess Lobularia or Mecardonia Gold Dust planted around edges to drape over the container.

This rose will go in any color scheme you’ve got going in your garden, since they have coral, pink, burgundy and yellow in them. Stunning with blue Nepeta, Russian sage, Ladies Mantle and the annual white Snow Princess™ Lobularia.

Landscape roses are favored for their disease resistance, repeat flowering and colorful bloom. I especially love Ringo All-Star™ because it’s so cheerful.