If you find a hollow log, or half a hollow log, make a seasonal celebration planter.
Use small plants you already have in your gardens: moss, self-sown perennials or bulbs, and small stonecrop sedums, for example. I also used a couple of violas from a six-pack of spring annuals.
Tuck your plants into the trough and gently press in soil around their roots. Use moss to cover the gaps or exposed root balls, and water the entire planter well after you put it together.
This isn’t a long-lasting arrangement, but it is a mini-garden that celebrates the spring season. It looks great on patio tables or porches, and it makes a lovely gift.

If you have a hollow log, use it to create a planter.

Gather most materials from your garden. I scooped up some stonecrop sedum, a pad of moss, a small Corydallis lutia and feverfew seedling, and some random self-seeded bulbs – (Puschkinia libanotica aka striped squill) I also used a couple of store-bought violas.

The planter makes a nice arrangement on an outdoor table. Be sure to keep it watered every other day, because there isn’t much room for the soil and roots and they’ll dry quickly.