My Personal Sign That It’s Spring

Mar 13, 2021 | Gardens

Recently, on a local gardening group Facebook page, I posted a photo of a skunk cabbage flower poking up out of the soil. I said that this was how I knew it was spring. Then I asked others to comment about their personal signs of spring. I distilled their comments to created this poem.

My Personal Sign That It’s Spring
~ A Poem Created by Facebook Comments~

Peepers and snowdrops.
When the Osprey return!!!
When the Forsythia blooms
When my horse starts to shed.

My Witch Hazel.
My crocuses along the lane.
When the snow drops open and the bees come around.

There is no mistaking it
Clients calling!
First daffodils poking up
When my double snowdrops bloom.

I saw a earthworm above ground last night!
Barred owls are calling again.
The yellow whips of weeping willows
No layering up for the morning run!

Pussy willows
Poison ivy!
Seagulls squawking at the herring run.

When the birds start singing at 6 am
When the osprey are back in their nests…
When the air has the sweet smell of green grass and warm soil.
The opening of the local ice cream shop.

The skunk cabbage flower is my sign that spring is indeed here.

With thanks to all the Cape Cod Gardening members who contributed to this poem.


  1. Nancy malling

    I love to see the weeping willows turn green in the barren forest.

  2. Jean Thompson

    Thank you C.L. it’s such an encouraging piece to read.


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