If you care about words, poetry and spontaneous fun, you’ll like Poetry For Your Table. Eight wooden blocks imprinted with 48 words, and you’ll be amazed at how many poems/thoughts/sentences you can compose. I bought this set either in 1999 or 2000, and now, seventeen years later, it’s still making me smile.

Last week’s poem.
In 2001 when our dear friends and family gathered for New Year’s, we all made a point to change the order of these blocks as often as possible, and we recorded many of the combinations. To name just a few:
I speak. Screaming for love. I am dreaming.
Therefore, do wicked free poetry of art details.
To speak, trust, eat, please and do everything.
Please God, trust women to love your poetry.
Think of your bed for everything, not God.
Are wicked women the price of obsessive men?
Never speak for money and eat your art.
There are, of course, a few words I’d like to add to this cube set. Plants, flowers, pollinators, moss, germination, spirit, inspiration, creativity, planting, and friends are immediately desirable. And given the current political climate, science, environment, protection, resistance, diversity, and intelligence come to mind.
Poetry is about creating the perfect little present out of the fewest words possible. Writing a poem is a challenge in creating an entire story with a minimum of language. It’s about editing…in the same way the creation of a lovely garden is about pairing the plantings down to the perfect elements that will express emotion or a love of growth and life.
Keep dreaming, creating and cultivating in the New Year.
This item is no longer available! I was very disappointed to see this! I was wondering if you could create a list for me with what words they used. I”m thinking of making my own!
It looks like you can order them here: https://www.imagineeringstore.com/words-cubed/