Here is a photo to show how my front porch, planted this year with annuals courtesy of Proven Winners, is flowering. Every year I try something a bit different, and this year I decided to go with a regional theme with green/blue pots and chairs. Note that these pots are only in half day sun, and these full-sun annuals are doing very well!

I love sitting in these chairs with coffee in the morning and watching the hummingbirds visit the orange Cuphea flowers.

Last year I planted the rain chain with succulents but this year decided to leave it empty and ornamental.
Visit the metal artist who made this rain chain here, and see how I planted it last year here.
Here is a complete list of the plants I used this summer. I was staying in the blue/white/yellow/coral/orange color range. Angelonia Angelface Wedgewood Blue, EuphorbiaDiamond Frost and Diamond Delight, Cyperus Prince Tut (a smaller version of King Tut! Great fun), Calibrachoa Superbells Tropical Sunrise, Osteospermum Bright Lights Yellow,Sanvitalia Sunbini, Evolvulus Blue My Mind, Nemesia Sunsatia Blood Orange, Bidens Campfire Fireburst, Mecardonia Golddust, Cuphea Vermillionaire, Petunia Supertunia Limoncello, Portulaca Mojave Tangerine, Petunia Supertunia Honey, and Lobularia Snow Princess. On the ground in front of the porch is Verbena Royale Peachy Keen. To see all of these plants, go to the Proven Winners website and put these names in their search box.