Oct 14, 2022 | Love This!
Name: Comptonia peregrina aka sweet fern. Type of Plant: A woody plant with a fern-like appearance, that’s a short, nitrogen fixing plant in the bay family. Why I Love This Plant: This native plant grows well in pure sand or marshy soils, and is particularly...
Feb 18, 2022 | Love This!
Name: Liriodendron tulipifera aka tulip tree or tulip-poplar Type of Plant: A large, native tree in the magnolia family. (Magnoliaceae) Best grown in full sun and acidic soils. Hardy in Zones 4-9. Why I Love This Plant: Wind and salt-spray tolerant, straight...
Oct 29, 2021 | Love This!
Name: Acer rubrum aka red maple Type of Plant: A native tree that’s also called swamp maple, hardy in zones 3-9. Why I Love This Plant: This is a beautiful large shade and specimen tree that has long lasting color in the spring and fall. In the spring the flowers are...