The 2024 Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival

Jun 8, 2024 | Garden Travel

I’m excited! This is the 10th year of the Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival and there will be 100 gardens on tour, plus many special events. Last night I presented a virtual talk about the event to 85 people from all over the USA: I gave them the backstory about this festival, showed them some great plants from this year’s sponsors, and provided a sneak peek to some of the gardens that are open this year. To watch the recording of this presentation, click here and use the Passcode: JV@?KW63  

The festival runs over two weekends after the 4th of July. There are gardens open Cape-wide.

To see the full line up of events and open gardens, go to the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce website, Hydrangea Festival page. 

I’ll be posting more about the festival as we get closer. My gardens will be open for four days (July 7, 8, 9, and 10) for the benefit of four nonprofits. 

The Cape Cod Hydrangea Fest poster is available for sale from the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce

Many nonprofits will be selling this poster at the open gardens, and it’s also available for sale from the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, on their website.



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