This morning I was on Mindy Todd’s program on WCAI/NAN, and mentioned a few things that were making me happy. Here are some of those plants and more garden experiences that are making me smile.

It’s vegetable harvest time! My favorite thing at this time of year is that I can walk into the vegetable garden and ask “What’s for dinner?” and the answer is summer squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, green beans, and lettuce. Not to mention chard, kale, beets, and carrots!

We’ve put up another “bunny bin” to keep the rabbits out of our fall crops. This space had garlic growing in it until early July, and now we’ve planted fall crops of carrots, pak choi, arugula, broccoli, and mustard greens.

Along with the harvest comes delicious meals! This is a chashew/green bean spread on our home grown tomatoes. I had these on toast for breakfast.

Because we have a huge beet harvest, I made a carrot cake with beets instead of carrots. Recipe to come in the near future.

The containers I filled with annuals are looking great!

I planted edible flowers such as nasturtiums, calendula, sunflowers and boarge in a large container near the kitchen. These flowers are great for salads, garnishes and cocktails.

The fragrance of Hummingbird Clethra knocks me out in the mornings and evenings. It’s a pollinator favorite as well. If you’re looking for a plant to control erosion on a shady slope, this is for you. Hummingbird is a short-growing variety. Prune by chopping back by 1/4 to 1/3 every spring.

It’s blueberry season!

This plot at the community garden made me smile this summer. The gardener used broken flower pots for edging.
The metal sofa with the container plants is absolutely stunning!