I Love Princettia®  Poinsettias From Suntory Flowers.

I Love Princettia®  Poinsettias From Suntory Flowers.

Name:   Princettia®  poinsettias from Suntory Flowers. Princettia® is a new style of poinsettia with vibrant bract colors including the whitest white, best pinks, and a beautiful cranberry red. Type of Plant:  A holiday plant that will bring color to your house and...
I Love Chionanthus virginicus – aka Fringe Tree

I Love Chionanthus virginicus – aka Fringe Tree

Name:  Chionanthus virginicus aka fringe tree or old man’s beard. Type of Plant: A large shrub or small tree, native to the Eastern US, growing 15 to 30 feet tall and wide. Why I Love this Plant: If you’ve been to Heritage Museums and Gardens in Sandwich during the...
I Love Abies concolor aka Concolor Fir

I Love Abies concolor aka Concolor Fir

Type of Plant:   A blue needled evergreen tree that’s hardy in ones 3 – 7 Why I Love this Plant:  I fell in love with this plant 25 years ago when I did a consultation for a woman in Yarmouth. I looked across her backyard and saw a blue needled evergreen that...
I Love Baby Pak Choi aka Brassica rapa var. chinensis

I Love Baby Pak Choi aka Brassica rapa var. chinensis

Name:  Baby Pak Choi aka Brassica rapa var. chinensis Type of Plant: A vegetable that grows well in cool weather.  This small pak choi usually grows to 6 to 8 inches tall. Why I Love this Plant:  Since this plant grows quickly and thrives in cool temperatures, it’s...
Bringing Houseplants Back Inside

Bringing Houseplants Back Inside

It’s time for my houseplants to come home from summer camp. Like most campers, they are happy to be home, but arrive needing a shower and perhaps a change of clothing. Here’s my routine: I clip off any browned leaves before the plant comes in. While...
At The John Hay Writing Studio – September 2024

At The John Hay Writing Studio – September 2024

When I arrived at the John Hay Writing Studio, I was shown a book where those who used the space could write about their experiences. My entry on day 4 was short. Apologies. While I understand how wonderful it is to have something written in a writer’s hand, I also...
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