Mar 6, 2019 | Projects/Crafts
The temperatures in my area are supposed to remain below freezing all week, so it’s time to make some ice mobiles. Here’s how it’s...
Feb 16, 2019 | Love This!
Name: Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’ aka Arnold Promise Witch hazel Type of Plant: Large shrub or even a small, multi-stemmed tree that’s perfect for full sun to part sun, and wonderful when placed where it can be seen in February and March. Why I...
Jan 29, 2019 | Love This!
Do you write, speak, blog, podcast, broadcast, about plants or photograph gardens? Check it out.
Jan 24, 2019 | Garden Travel
Every July on Cape Cod there is a wonderful event: The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival. Come experience ten days of private gardens open to the public. (Entry into most gardens is only $5.00 per garden and this goes directly to local non-profit organizations.) You can not...