Frozen Plant Fun

Frozen Plant Fun

The temperatures in my area are supposed to remain below freezing all week, so it’s time to make some ice mobiles.     Here’s how it’s...
I Love The ‘Immense’ Begonia

I Love The ‘Immense’ Begonia

Name: Begonia ricinifolia ‘Immense’ aka the Immense Begonia Type of Plant: Large (yes, the name is accurate) begonia that has interesting hairy stems and clusters of pink flowers in the middle of the winter.  Why I Love/Hate this plant: Large, bright green leaves,...
The Story of A Book Cover

The Story of A Book Cover

Here’s some inside information: My latest book, Sand & Soil ~ Creating Beautiful Gardens on Cape Cod and the Islands, is being published by David R. Godine Publishers this spring. Many people don’t know that often a cover for a book is designed long...
I Love Anemone blanda

I Love Anemone blanda

Name: Anemone blanda Type of Plant: spring bulb that blooms blue, white or pink daisy like flowers in early April. Why I Love/Hate this plant: One of the most cheerful spring flowers, and they spread because they self-seed. Plant them around daffodils and in perennial...
How To Store Vintage Bottle Brush Trees

How To Store Vintage Bottle Brush Trees

Wondering how to keep bottle brush trees from year to year without damaging them?  I have a collected these trees over the years in a variety of sizes. Some are from the 1950’s and others are fairly new. The vintage bottle brush trees are very fine and delicate...
I Love Athyrium filix-femina ‘Dre’s Dagger’

I Love Athyrium filix-femina ‘Dre’s Dagger’

Name: Athyrium filix-femina ‘Dre’s Dagger’  aka Dre’s Dagger fern. Type of Plant: Perennial fern for part or full shade. Why I Love/Hate this plant: This fern is perfect for texture in the shade garden. The tips of each frond form little...


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Come to Cape Cod for the Hydrangea Festival

Come to Cape Cod for the Hydrangea Festival

Every July on Cape Cod there is a wonderful event: The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival. Come experience ten days of private gardens open to the public. (Entry into most gardens is only $5.00 per garden and this goes directly to local non-profit organizations.) You can not...
I Love The Climbing Onion Houseplant

I Love The Climbing Onion Houseplant

Name: Bowiea volubilis aka the climbing onion Type of Plant: This member of the lily family is from South Africa and is a favorite “pass along house plant.”  Why I Love/Hate this plant: I love this plant because the contrast between the big, shiny bulb and the lacy...
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