I Love Calibrachoa Superbells Holy Moly

I Love Calibrachoa Superbells Holy Moly

Name:  Calibrachoa Superbells Holy Moly aka Holy Moly Superbells Type of Plant:  An annual that is low-maintenance and colorful. Yellow petals that are splashed with dark pink make this annual super cheerful. A good plant for mixed flowering containers or for massing...
Bulbs Where You Can See Them

Bulbs Where You Can See Them

When I moved to this area I was told that on Cape Cod we have January, February, March, March, March, June. I soon discovered that even the beginning of June can be dicey. Last year we have some lovely, warm spring weather. So far this year, we’re having the...
A Well Mannered Violet

A Well Mannered Violet

In past posts I’ve made it clear that I don’t want common violets (Viola odorata) on Poison Ivy Acres. I will periodically spot a flowering plant or two in the spring, and I am quick to dig it out. They have deep, thick roots so just a quick tug...
Naming A Property

Naming A Property

Martha Stewart’s house in Maine is called Skylands, Oprah Winfrey calls her California property Promised Land, and the late Roald Dahl lived in Gipsy House. Does your house or gardens have a name? If so, does the name speak to your heart, make you laugh, or have...
I Love Geranium macrorrhizum

I Love Geranium macrorrhizum

Name:  Geranium macrorrhizum aka bigroot geranium Type of Plant:  A perennial hardy in Zones 3-8. Fragrant foliage, small flowers in June. Why I love this: This is one of the best weed-smothering perennials. It is practically evergreen, and looks great from March...
What We Treasure

What We Treasure

When I was going into the 7th grade my family moved from Muncie, Indiana to Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Instead of the one-day drive north, however, my parents decided to go from the Hoosier State to the Dairy State by way of The Evergreen State of Washington. My...
Words To Live By

Words To Live By

There are times when we need to speak up, be bold, suggest new approaches and plant differently. It’s not always appreciated, welcomed or accepted. Oh well. When the boat rocking becomes stabilized we often find that what has taken root grows into something even...
I Love Southern Comfort…Heuchera, That Is

I Love Southern Comfort…Heuchera, That Is

Name:  Heuchera ‘Southern Comfort’ Type of Plant:  There are seemingly hundreds of varieties of the plant we used to call “coral bells” but this has remained one of my favorites. This perennial with peach to butterscotch colored foliage is hardy in Zones 4 to 8. It...
Succulent Plant Crafts

Succulent Plant Crafts

If you have something that’s made of wire, you have the beginning of a great plant craft project or succulent display.  Since succulents don’t need much soil, and because their leaves don’t wilt while they are getting their roots established, you can...
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