C. L. Fornari's Blog

I Love Jasminum Polyanthum aka Pink Jasmine, White Jasmine or Winter Jasmine

 Name: Jasminum polyanthum aka pink jasmine, white jasmine or winter jasmine Type of Plant:  A fast growing vine or climbing plant that flowers in December or January and is hardy in zones 8-10, but is sold as a greenhouse or seasonal houseplant in colder areas. Why I...

The Four Noble Truths of Gardening

I Love Tinantia pringlei aka Mexican Speck

Name: Tinantia pringlei aka Mexican Speck Type of Plant:  Perennial groundcover for part-sun to light shade. Mexican speck is in the tradescantia family and is hardy in Zones 6-10.    Why I Love This Plant:  It’s amazing that a plant that is from Mexico makes a great...
I Love Malibu Green Beans

I Love Malibu Green Beans

Name:    Malibu Green Beans Type of Plant: Pole beans that are especially prolific. Why I Love this Plant: You can pick these beans when they are young, skinny and tender or let them grow larger. Their flavor remains...

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I Love Anemone blanda

I Love Anemone blanda

Name: Anemone blanda Type of Plant: spring bulb that blooms blue, white or pink daisy like flowers in early April. Why I Love/Hate this plant: One...

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I Love Wooly Thyme

I Love Wooly Thyme

Name: Thymus pseudolanuginosus aka wooly thyme Type of Plant: A low growing perennial herb hardy in zones 5 to 8. This is not the thyme used for...

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Early Morning Stories

Early Morning Stories

There was just a dusting of snow on the ground when I went outside this morning, but that small change in the look of the landscape alerted me that...

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