Name: Malibu Green Beans Type of Plant: Pole beans that are especially prolific. Why I Love this Plant: You can pick these beans when they are young, skinny and tender or let them grow larger. Their flavor remains...
C. L. Fornari's Blog
I Love The ‘Immense’ Begonia
Name: Begonia ricinifolia ‘Immense’ aka the Immense Begonia Type of Plant: Large (yes, the name is accurate) begonia that has interesting hairy...
Witch hazel Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’ – What’s Not To Love?
Name: Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold Promise' aka Arnold Promise Witch hazel Type of Plant: Large shrub or even a small, multi-stemmed tree that’s...
The Story of A Book Cover
Here's some inside information: My latest book, Sand & Soil ~ Creating Beautiful Gardens on Cape Cod and the Islands, is being published by...
I Love Anemone blanda
Name: Anemone blanda Type of Plant: spring bulb that blooms blue, white or pink daisy like flowers in early April. Why I Love/Hate this plant: One...
How To Store Vintage Bottle Brush Trees
Wondering how to keep bottle brush trees from year to year without damaging them? I have a collected these trees over the years in a variety of...
I Love Athyrium filix-femina ‘Dre’s Dagger’
Name: Athyrium filix-femina 'Dre's Dagger' aka Dre's Dagger fern. Type of Plant: Perennial fern for part or full shade. Why I Love/Hate this plant:...
Do you write, speak, blog, podcast, broadcast, about plants or photograph gardens? Check it out.
Come to Cape Cod for the Hydrangea Festival
Every July on Cape Cod there is a wonderful event: The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival. Come experience ten days of private gardens open to the public....
I Love The Climbing Onion Houseplant
Name: Bowiea volubilis aka the climbing onion Type of Plant: This member of the lily family is from South Africa and is a favorite “pass along house...
Low-Growing, Native Perennial: Houstonia purpurea
Name: Houstonia purpurea, aka Hedyotis purpurea aka Venus's pride Type of Plant: This is a low-growing perennial that is native to the Eastern...
I Love Wooly Thyme
Name: Thymus pseudolanuginosus aka wooly thyme Type of Plant: A low growing perennial herb hardy in zones 5 to 8. This is not the thyme used for...
I Love Berried Treasure Red Strawberry
Name: Frageria ananassa aka Berried Treasure Red Strawberry from Proven Winners Type of Plant: This is a perennial strawberry that flowers...
Tuscan Kale: A Must-Grow Vegetable
Name: Brassica oleracea 'Lacinato' aka Tuscan Kale Type of Plant: This vegetable is one of the easiest to grow and longest producing plants in the...
Early Morning Stories
There was just a dusting of snow on the ground when I went outside this morning, but that small change in the look of the landscape alerted me that...
I Love Kalanchoe daigremontiana
Name: Kalanchoe daigremontiana aka mother of thousands Type of Plant: This is a succulent that is grown as a houseplant in cold climates. It’s...
I Love Red Burgundy Okra Plants
Name: Abelmoschus esculentus aka red burgundy Okra Type of Plant: Okra comes from northern Africa, and this red version was developed at Clemson...
I Love Rosmarinus officinalis, aka Rosemary
Name: Rosmarinus officinalis, aka rosemary Type of Plant: One of the most useful herbs to grow. A hardy shrub or groundcover in zones 8 and above,...
A Thank You Note To My Garden
As I finished my sermon for Sunday at the UU Church of Barnstable, I was reminded of this post I wrote on Whole Life Gardening a few years ago. It's...