C. L. Fornari's Blog

I Love Henry’s Garnet Virginia sweetspire, aka Itea virginica Henry’s Garnet.

Name:  Henry’s Garnet Virginia sweetspire, aka Itea virginica Henry’s Garnet. Type of Plant:  Mounding shrub native to the Eastern USA  Hardy in Zones 5 to 9 Why I Love This Plant:  This is an easy to grow shrub that is useful in many locations. It will grow in sun or...

I Love Hydrangea macrophylla × serrata ‘SMNHSI’ aka Let’s Dance Can Do!®

Name: Hydrangea macrophylla × serrata 'SMNHSI' aka Let's Dance Can Do!® Type of Plant: This is a hybrid of a bigleaf-hydrangea and a mountain hydrangea, so you get the advantages of both. It will grow about three feet tall and wide, and is best planted in part sun to...

I Love Salvia guaranitica ‘Black and Blue’

Name: Salvia guaranitica ‘Black and Blue’ Type of Plant:  An annual salvia that has blue flowers, bright green leaves and black calyces. Why I Love This Plant:  I love this plant for three reasons. First, it’s a hummingbird magnet. Secondly, the flowers are a clear...
The Curse Reversed?

The Curse Reversed?

Like so many Americans, I watched Game 7 of the World Series last night and was rooting for the Cubs. (How can someone who lives in Massachusetts,...

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Outside In Late October

Outside In Late October

Halloween is within sight but your mind isn't on costumes or trick-or-treat candy. You're savoring one of the last evenings on your deck,...

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How To Plant Garlic

How To Plant Garlic

We planted our garlic today. This is something that is done in the fall and we usually put ours in the ground in October. If you're new to growing...

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Happy Birthday, Mom

Happy Birthday, Mom

It is fitting that I spent the morning repotting houseplants. It is my mother's birthday today. Had she not died recently, she would have been 90...

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October Garden Orzo Salad

October Garden Orzo Salad

Even as the gardening season moves toward a killing frost there can be a bounty of vegetables to harvest. Today I went into the garden to ask...

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Crispy Sweet Potato Cake

Crispy Sweet Potato Cake

AKA: What to do with leftover sweet potatoes or yams. I had some garnet yams left over last week, so I decided to make them into cakes. These were...

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I Love Bloomerang Lilac

I Love Bloomerang Lilac

Name: Syringa x 'Penda' aka Bloomerang® Purple Lilac Type of Plant: A re-blooming lilac shrub, hardy in Zones 3-7 Why I love this: There are many...

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