I was doing a Zoom presentation for a group last week, and one of the questions from an attendee was about his blue hydrangea. "It never flowers,"...
How To Grow Vegetables In Containers
If you don't have space or adequate sunlight to grow your vegetables in the ground, containers are the next best option. You can grow edibles in...
Fagus sylvatica ‘Riversii’ aka purple leaf beech, River’s purple European Beech, copper beech
Name: Fagus sylvatica 'Riversii' aka purple leaf beech, River's purple European beech, or copper beech Type of Plant: A very large, deciduous tree...
I Love Baccharis halimifolia, aka groundsel or eastern baccharis
Sometimes it's great to appreciate a plant that doesn't live everywhere, doesn't flower all summer, and can't be kept "under control." Name:...
I Love Pennisetum purpureum ‘Tift 8’ aka Vertigo Fountain Grass
Name: Pennisetum purpureum ‘Tift 8’ aka Vertigo fountain grass Type of Plant: An annual grass in colder climates (hardy in Zone 8-11) that’s tall...
I Love Myrica pensylvanica aka bayberry
Name: Myrica pensylvanica aka bayberry Type of Plant: Native shrub or small tree for full sun and sandy soils Why I Love/Hate this plant: In dry...
Love Silver Moon Hyacinth Vine
Name: Dolichos lablab ‘Silver Moon’ aka Lablab purpureus ‘Silver Moon’ Type of Plant: A fast growing annual vine that you can grow from seed. Why I...
What’s In Bloom, August 22, Sandwich, MA
Yesterday I spent about an hour touring our property and taking a photo of every plant that was in bloom. Okay, not every plant, and not every...
I Love Mecardonia GoldDust
Name: Mecardonia GoldDust Type of Plant: An annual from Proven Winners that is heat tolerant, long-flowering, and totally low-maintenance. This...
What’s Making Me Happy in Mid-August
This morning I was on Mindy Todd's program on WCAI/NAN, and mentioned a few things that were making me happy. Here are some of those plants and more...
Love Plants and Gardens? Want to Write, Speak, or Podcast About It?
Sometime ago I put up the graphic posted below, about how I came to be a garden communicator. Although I've always loved plants and gardens, it...
Eryngium x zabelii ‘Big Blue’ aka big blue sea holly
Name: Eryngium x zabelii ‘Big Blue’ aka big blue sea holly Type of Plant: A striking perennial for full sun and well-drained soil. Hardy in Zones...
I Hate Oriental bittersweet aka Celastrus orbiculatus
Name: Oriental bittersweet – aka Celastrus orbiculatus aka Chinese bittersweet or round-leaf bittersweet Type of Plant: A vine that has round or...
I Love Callicarpa Purple Pearls
Name: Callicarpa Purple Pearls® aka Callicarpa x 'NCCX1' USPP 26,000 aka purple pearls beautyberry. Type of Plant: This is a beautyberry that is a...
I Love Variegated Boxwood
Name: Buxus sempervirens 'Variegata' aka variegated boxwood. Type of Plant: A slow growing evergreen shrub that does well in full sun to part...
I Love Justicia carnea aka Brazilian plume flower.
Name: Justicia carnea aka Brazilian plume flower. Type of Plant: This is a shrub in tropical climates but an annual container plant for those who...
Deadheading and Pinching The First Flowers on Annuals
I know that this is hard for many people. The annuals you've planted early in the summer are finally starting to put out their first flowers, and...
I Hate Blue Rug Junipers
Every week on GardenLine on WXTK I start the show off with "I Love This Plant/I Hate This Plant." One look at the titles of most of these blog posts...