Name: Chrysogonum virginianum ~ aka goldenstar, or green and gold Type of Plant: Low growing perennial for part shade to full shade that flowers...
I Love Ornamental Cabbages and Kales
Name: Ornamental Cabbages and Kales Type of Plant: Annuals for planting in the fall that will last and be colorful (in most areas) into January. Why...
I Love The Brown Turkey Fig
Name: Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey Type of Plant: This fig tree is one of the hardiest but it best grown in pots in the Northeast if you want to...
A Thornless Blackberry For Trellises, Arbors and Buildings
Imagine: A trellis or arbor filled with long canes filled with small, pinkish white flowers in June…but the fun doesn’t stop with the flowers – in...
A Fantastic Angelonia For Gardens And Containers
Imagine: Call me picky, but when I plant an annual in late May I want it to still be looking good in September…maybe even into October. I’m willing...
Shoot For The Moon by Growing Moonflowers
Name: Ipomoea alba, aka moonflower Type of Plant: A fast growing annual vine for sun and part-sun. Why I Love/Hate this plant: If you want an annual...
I Love Euphorbia Diamond Mountain
Imagine: She wondered why all the plants in the garden center seemed to be getting shorter every year. Annuals that used to grow three or four feet...
Basil Dying? Downy Mildew? You Need Amazel
Imagine: “The basil has turned yellow again,” he said. “I know,” she answered, “I asked about it at the garden center and they told me it’s a...
I Love Phlox ‘Jeana’
Name: Phlox paniculata ‘Jeana’ aka phlox Jeana Type of Plant: A perennial that grows about four feet tall and has pink flowers from mid-August into...
I Love Nicotiana
Name: Nicotiana hybrids and species. AKA flowering tobacco. Type of Plant: An annual plant that self-seeds when it’s happy. Tubular flowers attract...
I Love This Weed, I Hate This Weed
Imagine: “Where did this weed come from?” she asked. “It’s everywhere!” “It’s the wild portulaca, also called purslane,” he said. “It’s one of the...
A Dramatic Shrub for Shade
Imagine: Sometimes we can get into a rut when it comes to shade plants. Hosta and ferns, hosta and ferns. Yet there are many plants that we overlook...
Growing Bells of Ireland
Imagine: I walked into Soares Flower Garden Nursery a couple of years ago, and stopped in my tracks. There they were, six packs of bells of Ireland...
A Green Flower For Cutting
Name: Alchemilla mollis aka lady’s mantle Type of Plant: A low growing perennial with lime green flowers in May, June and early July. Why I Love...
A Hardy Impatiens For Shade Gardens
Imagine: A perennial for shade that isn’t a hosta or a fern! Can you imagine? After growing this hardy impatiens, we can say that it isn’t necessary...
What Can I Plant For Fragrance?
Imagine: You walk through your landscape from late-June through mid-July and you’re greeted by sweet perfume. When you drink your morning coffee...
I Love White Thyme
Imagine: You need a groundcover for a sunny slope or similar dry area. You want it to be very low, fast growing but not invasive. Impossible? Not at...
I Love The Kanzan (aka Kwanzan) Cherry Tree
Imagine: Pink clouds have descended from the heavens and upholstered the trees with flowers. Bubblegum pink. And the foliage, in celebration, takes...