Imagine: “These are difficult places to grow plants,” he said. “This path and wall are hot in the summer. There isn’t much root room in this...
I Love Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart
Imagine: “I need plants that will make me smile,” my friend said. “No problem,” I replied. “Let’s start with bleeding heart.” Name: Lamprocapnos...
I Love Garden Rhubarb
Imagine: She wanted to serve a special meal to celebrate the spring season. Fresh asparagus, of course, and a salad of spring greens accented with...
I Love Weigela florida ‘Variegata’
Name: Weigela florida ‘Variegata’ aka the variegated weigela. Type of Plant: Weigelas are easy to grow, low maintenance shrubs for full sun. Note...
A Plant For Gardening Large
Imagine: Having a garden where large, mauve flowers blow in the breeze and butterflies flit among the blooms. Going native? Go big. Name: Eupatorium...
I Love Philadelphus x virginalis aka mock orange
Imagine: You’re sitting under the arbor, surrounded by potted plants. It’s a mild June evening, and as you relax into your chair you catch a sweet...
I Love Supertunia® Picasso in Blue®
Imagine: “I’m in the mood for something different in our window boxes this year,” he said. “Purple, lime green and white,” she said. “You can never...
I Love A “Delicious Monster” Plant
Imagine: You can tell that Monstera deliciosa is a hot plant right now...not many houseplants have their own hashtags. Perhaps this is a signal that...
I Love California Poppies
Imagine: She said, “The gravel driveway and path are fine, but couldn’t there be something green and growing here? Why can’t there also be flowers?”...
I Love Thuga ‘Green Giant’ aka Green Giant Arborvitae
Imagine: “What tall growing plant can we use that won’t require frequent pruning or get bare on the bottom of the trunk?” she asked. Name: Thuga...
Sedum ‘Pure Joy’ is Indeed Pure Joy
Imagine: Although the most common variety of sedum was called ‘Autumn Joy,’ it never brought happiness to her heart because it flopped open and...
Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival 2018
Interested in participating or learning more about the Fourth Annual Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival? If you answered YES, you are invited to...
I Love Our Native Clethra
Name: Clethra alnifolia aka summer sweet, sweet pepperbush, or just plain clethra. Type of Plant: A shrub that’s native to this area and grows well...
The Kings and Queens of Foliage Color: Rex Begonias
I LOVE These Plants! Got shade? You need this begonia. Name: Begonia rex aka rex begonias Type of Plant: An extremely useful tropical plant that you...
Dear, Delightful, Delicious Dahlias
Name: Dahlia varieties. Type of Plant: An annual that grows from tubers. A heat-lover from Mexico. There are many varieties from short to medium and...
How Can You NOT Love A Plant Called Hearts a Bustin’
Name: Euonymus americanus aka Hearts a Bustin’ Type of Plant: A native Euonymus shrub appreciated for its open habit, drought tolerance and fall...
How Can You NOT Love Papaver rhoeas – The Red Common Poppy?
Name: Papaver rhoeas aka corn poppy, Flanders poppy or common poppy. Type of Plant: This is an annual poppy. The seeds germinate in the spring, the...
I Love Basil ‘Pesto Perpetuo’
Name: Ocimum × citriodorum (aka Ocimum x africanum or Ocimum citriodorum) 'Pesto Perpetuo' aka variegated basil Type of Plant: No matter what you...