Name: Cercis canadensis ‘JN2’ aka The Rising Sun Redbud Type of Plant: A small tree with heart-shaped leaves. Growing slowly to 8 to 12 feet...
I Love Allium hybrid ‘Serendipity’
Name: Allium hybrid ‘Serendipity’ Type of Plant: A mid-summer flowering perennial plant hardy in zones 4 – 8. Why I Love/Hate this plant: I...
I Love Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’ aka Royal Purple Smoke Bush
Name: Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’ aka Royal Purple Smoke Bush Type of Plant: A large bush or small tree…but accept that it’s going to get...
I Love Rhododendron ‘Weston’s Lemon Drop’
Name: Weston’s Lemon Drop Azalea aka Rhododendron 'Weston's Lemon Drop' Type of Plant: A July-flowering, deciduous azalea with fragrant yellow...
I Love Sweet Potato Vine, Ipomoea batatas
Name: Ipomoea batatas, aka sweet potato vine Type of Plant: In the northeast region this plant is an annual. There are varieties available with...
I Love Nassella tenuissima aka Mexican feathergrass
Name: Nassella tenuissima aka Mexican feathergrass, formerly known as Stipa tenuissima. Type of Plant: This is a very soft, fine textured low grass...
I Love Veronica spicata Royal Candles aka Royal Candles speedwell
Name: Veronica spicata Royal Candles aka Royal Candles speedwell Type of Plant: A perennial that’s hardy in zones 4 to 8, that flowers in early...
I love Paeonia lactiflora, the garden peony
Name: Paeonia lactiflora aka the garden peony Type of Plant: A low-maintenance, early summer flowering perennial plant that does best in zones 4...
I Love The Rieger Solenia Series Begonias
Name: Begonia X Hiemalis aka Rieger begonias aka the Solenia Series Begonia Type of Plant: Begonias that are a cross between the wax begonias and...
I Love The Arctic Fox Rose Foxglove
Name: Digitalis hybrida ‘Balroxose’ aka foxglove Arctic Fox Rose Type of Plant: Upright perennial plant that grows 18” to 24” tall and 12” to 16”...
I Love Tall Alliums
Name: Allium species and hybrids Type of Plant: A bulb that produces round flowers on the tops of tall stems in the late-spring or early-summer....
I Love Dicentra spectabilis ‘Gold Heart’ aka golden leaf bleeding heart
Name: Dicentra spectabilis ‘Gold Heart’ aka golden leaf bleeding heart Type of Plant: A perennial for part shade that’s hardy in zones 3-9. Why I...
I Love Maianthemum canadense aka Canada mayflower or wild lily-of-the-valley
Name: Maianthemum canadense aka Canada mayflower or wild lily-of-the-valley Type of Plant: A low-growing forest floor plant that is native to the...
I Love Spirea thunbergii ‘Ogon’ aka Ogon spirea.
Name: Spirea thunbergii ‘Ogon’ aka Ogon spirea. Type of Plant: This is a shrub that has several valuable traits. It stays under 5 feet tall,...
I Love Doronicum orientale aka leopard’s bane
Name: Doronicum orientale aka leopard’s bane Type of Plant: A spreading perennial for sun to part shade. Hardy in Zones 4-8, and blooms with...
I Love Tropaeolum majus aka nasturtium
Name: Tropaeolum majus aka nasturtium Type of Plant: An annual in most areas of the USA, that is grown as a summer flowering annual and edible...
I Love Hamamelis vernalis ‘Amethyst’ aka Amethyst vernal witch hazel
Name: Hamamelis vernalis ‘Amethyst’ aka Amethyst vernal witch hazel Type of Plant: A shrub for full sun to part shade that flowers in March and...
I Love Corydalis lutea – aka Yellow Corydalis
Name: Corydalis lutea – aka Yellow Corydalis Type of Plant: A short-lived perennial with soft, ferny foliage and bright yellow flowers that bloom...