Cell Phone Cameras and Gardens

May 15, 2016 | Lifestuff

There are many times when I’m so thankful that I have an iPhone 6 on me at all times. Although I use a larger Canon camera for much of my photography, I don’t always have it with me. But there are those times when working in a garden, visiting friends, or just driving down the road when something visual just begs to be captured. And when I can whip out my phone and record the moment, it’s very gratifying.

I think that along with garden gloves and a good pair of by-pass pruners, an iPhone camera is an essential, daily used gardening tool.

Yesterday’s snaps:


Crossing the yard from one part of the garden to another, I noticed that the trough of tulips were full blown, and opening to the sky. I caught their last exuberant glory with my cell camera.



These geese were in the middle of the road, so naturally we stopped the car. When I rolled down the window to take this photo the adults turned so that their heads formed a heart. Which prompted me to make the meme below.



When visiting friends on my way to a speaking engagement, the sky darkened as the sun set, creating this very colorful and dramatic moment.



Some photos just beg to have a title.


  1. Ron Sutton

    My wife is the same. She has a nice Canon camera and various lenses, but takes most of her photos with her iPhone 6+
    Convenience trumps quality

    • CL Fornari

      Agreed, Ron! The best camera is the one you have with you.


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