Name: Clematis hybrids and specieas
Type of Plant: Most are vining plants, although there are about 300 species of Clematis and some of them are shorter, upright growing plants. Here, however, I’m talking about the vining varieties.
Clematis grows, both native and imported, all over the world. Some bloom in early spring, some in early summer, and there are varieties that flower in late summer or fall.
Why I Love This Plant: What’s not to love about a plant that scrambles up structures and other plants, has amazing flowers that range from small to large, and often produces fluffy seeds that are as ornamental as the blooms!
A Word to the Wise: I say Kleh-muh-tuhs and you say Kle-ma-tis… no worries – in horticulture there are no wrong pronunciations, only wrong spellings. Clematis it is.
That old myth about the roots needing to be shaded is just that – a myth. This belief came from the times when people didn’t water plants if it didn’t rain. Since soil in shady areas are more moist than ground exposed to bare sun, Clematis that were grown with “their feet in the shade” did better. The bottom line is that this plant isn’t drought tolerant, so if you’ve got it planted in full sun, just water it deeply once a week and don’t worry about shading the roots.

Clematis are the perfect plant for spilling over a fence.

This plant was grown up a trellis/support that ran right along the corner of the house.

Clematis mix well with roses and other mounding shrubs.

Most Clematis have attractive seedheads. These small ones were on a Clematis Sweet Summer Love in September.

This Clematis was growing on my friend Helen’s arbor. It is an ‘HF Young’ Clematis.
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Absolutely gorgeous!!! Thank you for sharing these beauties!