If you love growing plants in pots, you’ll invariably experience the heartbreak of having a favorite container break. But on a trip to a garden in Italy some years ago, I was pleased to see a large terracotta pot that had broken and been repaired by drilling holes and joining the pieces together with wire. Brilliant!

This pot was repaired with wire threaded through holes drilled in the broken pot. I was impressed that although this terracotta pot was broken in several pieces, it was nevertheless repaired in many places so that it could function well into the future.
is potSo when I had a favorite pot break, I decided to use this same method for keeping my container into the future.

Here is my broken pot. You can see how I drilled holes in the broken piece. I also drilled holes in the other sides of the pot.

I then took waxed cording that is used to lash bamboo together. I didn’t use wire, since my pot was smaller and a flexible cording was easier to thread through the holes.

This cording holds the pieces together well so it’s functional and attractive ton the outside as well.

I LOVE your show you are a special person.
Is it strange my amaryllis is getting a new flower bud right now on June 25?
Thank you!
Thanks, Jo Ann! Not strange – I often have a plant or two that flower in the summer.