Name: Green Wave Mustard
Type of Plant: An easy to grow green for the garden that is cold-tolerant and delicious. This is a green to grow from seed planted directly into the garden.
Why I Love/Hate this plant: Mustard greens have a slightly bitter and spicy flavor that is great in salads, stir-fry, pesto or in pasta sauces. It blends well with course ground mustard seed and lemon for cooking with fish, chicken or tofu. And it’s a pretty green in the garden as well.
You can plant mustard early in the spring an harvest into the summer, then plant again in August and harvest into the winter. The plant tolerates several nights that dip below freezing.
A Word to the Wise: Like many greens with stronger flavors, this one often tastes best when cut into ribbons and combined with other lettuces.

Here is a row of Green Wave growing in my vegetable garden in late November.

These three greens – Green Wave mustard, Tuscan kale and arugula – are harvested into December.

Slice all three greens into ribbons – serve in a salad or saute with garlic and serve with pasta.