Name: Mecardonia GoldDust
Type of Plant: An annual from Proven Winners that is heat tolerant, long-flowering, and totally low-maintenance. This annual does well in full sun to part-sun, and can be used in the ground or in containers.
Why I Love/Hate this plant This is one of the annuals that I look for, and purchase, every year. It is cheerful and useful in so many situations. You can plant it in the ground on dry sunny slopes, combining it with other drought tolerant plants such as wooly thyme and flowering Portulaca. It is the perfect annual for front edges of perennial beds and among other plants in rock gardens. And it’s also great spilling over the edges of pots and window boxes.
The flowers are very tiny on this annual, but they are also very numerous. And I see honeybees visiting those small flowers all summer.
A Word to the Wise: Mecardonia is very tolerant of hot and dry conditions. If you forget to water it for a few days it will usually spring back to life when you give it a good soaking. I’ve even had a few of them come back for a second year after an average zone 6 winter!

The GoldDust flowers might be small but that doesn’t keep the honeybees from visiting.

I love Mecardonia in the ground in the front of annual or perennial gardens.

Mecardonia GoldDust is perfect when planted on dry slopes with Proven Winners Superbena and Mojave Portulaca.

One of the best plants for cascading over edge of pots!
My highlight of the week. TY for being.
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