Name: Veronica spicata Royal Candles aka Royal Candles speedwell
Type of Plant: A perennial that’s hardy in zones 4 to 8, that flowers in early summer and beyond if deadheaded.
Why I Love/Hate this plant: I have to confess that Royal Candles has given me an entirely new appreciation of Veronica. Years ago, I grew some from seed and they flopped over and didn’t re-bloom, even when deadheaded. So I wasn’t a fan. But this variety, sent to me last year from Darwin Perennials, has changed my mind about what is often commonly called speedwell.
I love the color, and the short, upright growth. In my garden the flowers grow to about 16” high. I love that it blooms heavily in June and will produce some flowers later in the summer if I deadhead the first blooms promptly. I also am happy that the bunnies and deer don’t bother this plant.
A Word to the Wise: Grow Veronica Royal Candles in full sun and well-drained soil. Do not place this in poorly drained areas or where irrigation will be hitting the plant on a daily basis.
The registered name of this speedwell is Veronica spicata ‘Glory’ PP18,932
I am on the lookout for these gorgeous Veronica Royal Candles. I am here in Tiverton, R.I. and I am a traveling gardener in hopes of finding a new, beautiful perennial to add to my collection. A recommendation where to find this plant would be appreciated. I did discover a Geum ‘Mrs. Bradshaw’ this week. This crimson beauty is a show stopper! I was so happy to bring this old-fashion perennial to one of my gardens. What are your thoughts or experience with this plant?
I don’t know where you can find this plant right now – call around to local garden centers…
My dog keeps peeing on my veronica plants I cut them down will they come back next year.
If your dog keeps peeing on them, it’s likely to kill them. Put up a barrier so that your dog has to develop a new habit.
Smith Gardens Nursery Bellingham, Washington