Jul 28, 2023 | Love This!
Name: Cardoon aka Cynara cardunculus Type of Plant: A perennial plant that’s used as an annual in northern areas, Cardoon is a relative of the artichoke. It’s large, silver foliage adds drama to gardens or containers. The blanched stems have long been eaten in many...
Mar 17, 2023 | Love This!
Name: Viola x wittrockiana aka Spring Pansies Type of Plant: The most popular cool-weather annual. Why I Love This Plant: For those in the northern regions, this is the first annual we can plant outside in the spring. In fact, in many areas they can be planted in...
Feb 18, 2022 | Love This!
Name: Liriodendron tulipifera aka tulip tree or tulip-poplar Type of Plant: A large, native tree in the magnolia family. (Magnoliaceae) Best grown in full sun and acidic soils. Hardy in Zones 4-9. Why I Love This Plant: Wind and salt-spray tolerant, straight...