Name: Franklinia alatamaha – aka the Franklin tree
Type of Plant: Small tree or multi-stemmed large shrub that’s hardy in zone 5 – 8. This plant grows 8 to 20 feet tall and 6 to 15 feet wide depending on climate and location. This is a great full sun to part-sun plant that’s appropriate for smaller landscapes.
Why I love this: In this area the Franklinia flowers in September into October. Sometimes it’s in flower when the foliage is turning orange and red. While most flowering trees are in bloom in the spring and summer, this is one plant that struts its stuff in the fall.
A Word to the Wise: Don’t grow this where the soil is kept constantly wet from irrigation. Plant Franklinia in a well-drained location that will get watered weekly, not more frequently.
Read about the history of this tree here.

The flowers are elegant when just opening. Even in a rainy period they stay white and clean looking on the dark green foliage.

I enjoy how the flowers fall around the tree making it look like there’s been a party there the night before.

The Franklinia blooms are slightly fragrant and worth appreciating up close.