Apr 29, 2022 | Love This!
Name: Mandevilla cultivars and hybrids, especially the shorter varieties formerly known as Dipladenia Type of Plant: Back in the day, there were the vining Mandevilla and the bushy, but otherwise very similar Dipladenia. Now that plants are able to grouped according...
Apr 22, 2022 | Love This!
Name: Hyacinthoides hispanica aka Spanish bluebells, or wood hyacinths Type of Plant: A late-spring blooming bulb. There are white, pink and blue flowering varieties, but the blue is probably the most popular. This plant grows and blooms well in full sun to...
Apr 15, 2022 | Love This!
Name: Clematis hybrids and specieas Type of Plant: Most are vining plants, although there are about 300 species of Clematis and some of them are shorter, upright growing plants. Here, however, I’m talking about the vining varieties. Clematis grows, both native and...
Apr 11, 2022 | Projects/Crafts
If you love growing plants in pots, you’ll invariably experience the heartbreak of having a favorite container break. But on a trip to a garden in Italy some years ago, I was pleased to see a large terracotta pot that had broken and been repaired by drilling...